Timed Tetrad Visit Forms

For Timed Tetrad Visits, we are especially keen to avoid duplication of effort. For this reason, allocation of tetrads for this element of the fieldwork is being managed by the BTO Regional Organisers. There is an interactive map on the Bird Atlas 2007-11 website, where you can see which tetrads are still available, choose one that is convenient for you and register your offer of help.

Forms and details of how to enter the results online will then be provided. If you have used BirdTrack or entered Garden BirdWatch or Breeding Bird Survey results online, then the the online system for Bird Atlas 2007-11 will feel familiar and use the same BTO UserName and Password.

Specially printed, 50-page, Bird Atlas 2007-11 Notebooks for tallying your counts during the Timed Tetrad Visits are also available at £2 each from the Hertfordshire BTO Regional Organiser, Chris Dee.